Do you know that 85% of men face impotency issues due to external factors? Now, what are the external factors that contribute to impotency issues in men? Well, one of the major reasons is not choosing the right underwear.
By choosing right kind of underwear, we meant fabric material, quality of the fabric material, what percentage of cotton, polyester, nylon or spandex is used and most importantly, is it breathable or lower body temperature is kept in mind while manufacturing the men’s underwear?
Even while picking up the right boxer for your intimate wear collection, these are the questions that you must ask or confirm from the manufacturer.
Now, to help you to buy the right boxer, below are some of the wisest tips to make it a smart purchase.
#1 – What’s your Body Type?
Do you know what your body type is? This is the question that you must ask from yourself before you plan to buy any type of underwear. To pick the right boxer according to your body type, you have to determine it through “Thigh Size.”
If you have slim thighs, then you should go with the stretch band. On the contrary, if you have voluminous thighs, then you must go with the trimmed waistband style boxer. Boxers are usually baggy and loose in style, thus you must pick a size smaller than the usual.
#2 – Which fabric should be preferred?
Boxers are designed and manufactured to provide comfort to the wearer. The loose and slackly-fitted style boxers should be in a fabric material that’s quick sweat absorbent and wicks away the moisture in no time. Moreover, it is also hygienic to maintain lower body temperature, which can only be maintained by using the right fabric material.
100% cotton fabric material is usually preferred by the buyers as it provides comfort along with the breathability factor. Just make sure that the boxers have an anti-microbial finish that maintains the hygiene of your intimate area.
#3 – Why you need special designs in boxers?
Aren’t you tired of wearing those boring styles of boxer innerwear? Why not look for something exceptional in your boxers then? Nowadays, you will find some of the unique and extraordinary styles in men’s boxers that are quite appealing maybe because of the innovations. So, get your boxers collection stockpiled with unusual designs!
What’s special about La Intimo Boxers?
- The highlighting part about the La Intimo boxers is that they have inbuilt underwear in it, which ultimately makes it a comfortable option to wear anytime.
- Besides that, underwear in boxers not just provides supports but also helps to prevent the wearer from hernia issue. Hence, if you prefer to wear boxer over underwear, then you must go with naughty style La Intimo boxer shorts to get rid of the conventional designs and styles.
To conclude, we hope that you still aren’t confused or in dilemma to pick the right boxer, which has all the features that you must be sniffing out for a long time!