Hello travellers! What all you love to carry whenever you plan for a vacation?

Well, it’s quite understood that women’s suitcase is almost full with necessary stuff they carry everywhere! However, except accessories and stunning outfits, lingerie is definitely essential stuff to carry.

Even most of the times we carry additional lingeries, just in case you know! Do you also carry extra lingeries on a holiday trip? Then, here is a quick solution for you to stockpile your travelling suitcase for lingeries, we meant sassy lingeries!

1. Basic T-shirt Bra  

Do you like to wear the funky and quirky styles of t-shirts? Then, you must-have basic t-shirt bra with yourself when you pack your bags for a vacation! You can prefer to purchase the padded t-shirt bra, which can easily be worn under sassy t-shirts. Also, they can be worn under a super sassy white colour shirt! Hence, a basic t-shirt bra is a must for every woman just make sure to pick two basic shades i.e. nude and black as they go perfectly well with every colour in shirt or t-shirt.

2. Comfy Panties

Honestly, there’s nothing more essential than the comfort in intimate wear. Do you feel the same? Of course, we don’t say that styles and designs aren’t important but comfort always comes first! And, whenever you plan for your vacation or holiday trip, then you must know that your suitcase must-have comfortable, hygienic and breathable panties. Colours depend on your choice, but it should be quick sweat-absorbent, wicks away the moisture and keep your scrotal area free from rashes, itchiness and dryness!

3. Stylish Shorts

Packing suitcase for travelling and not stuffing it with shorts is definitely not a great idea! Because after travelling and sightseeing, you will get tired and you must-have some comfortable and cosy shorts to wear and relax the holiday time. Gorgeous shorts in funky prints and designs are a must-have for this season. So, before you pack your bags for your vacation just make sure that you have freaky prints in shorts to stay ahead in the game of #VacationStyle.

4. PJ Set

How can you forget to add Pyjama set to your vacation suitcase? Yes, those comfortable and super cool pyjama set is a must-have that you need to keep in your bag for a vacation trip! Excluding the travel outfits, you definitely need to add some style statement Pj’s into your collection, especially for a holiday trip!   


Therefore, if you are planning for your next vacation trip, then you must not forget to add the aforementioned lingerie items into your holiday bag. Be it a super-sassy t-shirt bra or stylish panty, stuff your holiday bag with sexy lingeries to make it a picture-perfect vacation!

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